Criminal Defense Wiki:Language policy

From Criminal Defense Wiki
Revision as of 17:26, 12 November 2010 by Sleung (talk | contribs)
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This page describes the current multi-lingual policy on the Criminal Defense Wiki.


Help: namespace

  • English is the main reference language, and all root pages should be named and written in English.
  • Other languages should be placed in an appropriately named sub-page of the English version. E.g. the French version of Contents should be at Contents/fr (not Sommaire, Sommaire or Sommaire/fr).
  • Language sub-pages should be named using the appropriate language code for that language (see below).
  • Sub-pages should only be used for translations into other languages, not for English content (e.g. you shouldn't use Table editing/example - use Table editing example or Example of table editing instead).
  • If an international version of a page exists but an English version does not, then please create a stub article for the English version as this aids navigation.
  • All pages in the help namespace should be tagged with the {{Languages}} template, which automatically creates links to all available translations.

The main page

The English version of our front page is located at IBJ_Defense_Wiki_-_The_Wiki_for_Criminal_Defense_Attorneys. Translated versions are located at Criminal Defense Wiki/code, where code is the language code (e.g. IBJ_Defense_Wiki_-_The_Wiki_for_Criminal_Defense_Attorneys/fr). Please see Project:Main page templates for more details about creating or editing this content.

Importantly, the rules about language codes (see below) should be followed here as well.

Language codes

Throughout the Criminal Defense Wiki you should use the language codes specified by the MediaWiki software when creating language-specific content (see Names.php for the full and up-to-date list).

For reference:

  • English language pages should not have a language code. (IE. Rwanda)
  • French language pages should use the language code "fr". (IE. Rwanda/fr)

Please also bear the following in mind:

  • If the language code is not found in Names.php then we should not host pages in that language.
  • Note that some language codes in Names.php are now deprecated (e.g. zh-yue has been replaced with yue). In these cases only the most recent code should be used.

See also