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The Russian Federation is the biggest country all over the world, with its territory of 17 million sq. km. and 139.4 million of people, Moscow is its capital. Following the Russian revolution 1917, Russia became the largest and leading constituent of the Soviet Union, the world's first constitutionally socialist state and a recognized superpower. The Russian Federation was founded following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, but is recognized as the continuing legal personality of the Soviet state. Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G8, G20, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and is the leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Type of system

The legal system of the Russian Federation is civil – legal system inspired by Roman law, the primary feature of which is that laws are written into a collection and codified. The judiciary in Russia is split into three branches: the regular court system with the Supreme Court at the top, the arbitration court system with the High Court of Arbitration on top, the Constitutional Court and constitutional (charter) courts of the subjects of federation as separate bodies. Criminal cases are heard by magistrates’ courts, courts of districts, courts of federal subjects (states), Supreme Court depending on the severity of a crime.

Sources of Defendant's rights


Some fundamental defendant’s rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of Russian Federation adopted 12 of December, 1993. Moreover, the universally-recognized norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation are a component part of its legal system. It means that after ratifying a treaty Russian Federation has an obligation to integrate the treaty’s norms into national legislation.

  • article 20 – right to have the case examined by jury trial;
  • article 22 – time limitation of the detention without the court’s decision;
  • article 23 – right to privacy of letters limited only by court warrant;
  • article 24 - ensure right to discovery for everyone;
  • article 25 – privacy of the home;
  • article 46 – guarantee judicial protection of freedoms and rights, the right to appeal to international bodies;
  • article 47 - the right to the consideration of the case in competent court;
  • article 48 - the right to qualified legal assistance, the right to receive assistance of a lawyer (counsel for the defense) from the moment of detention, confinement in custody or facing charges;
  • article 49 – the presumption of innocence;
  • article 50 – double jeopardy, the right to appeal against the judgment of a lower court decision to a superior court;
  • article 51 – the right not to give self-incrimination evidence or against husband/wife and close relatives;
  • article 54 – Ex Post Facto.


The Code of Criminal procedure (CCP) of 2001 contains the variety of defendant’s rights at all stages of the criminal process.

Other Sources

Russian law implements the rights provided by following the most important international documents: International Covenant on Civil and political Rights (ratification - 1973), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ratification - 1973), Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (ratification 1987), European Convention on Human Rights and its Five Protocols (ratification – 1998), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratification - 1990), United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (The Tokyo Rules) (ratification - 1973), the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discriminations Against Women (ratification - 1981).

Protections from police

  • Article 13 of the law “On the police” contains grants and limits of the rights of the police.
  • Article 53 of the law “On the police” - the right to appeal against police officer’s actions in violation of the rights and lawful interests of citizens.
Identity Checks

The police have a right to check identity documents of citizens, if there is a reason to suspect them of committing a crime or belief that they are wanted.

Stop and Frisks

The police have a right to carry out personal searches of citizens and their property, when there is evidence that these citizens have a weapon, explosive devices, drugs, psychotropic substances.

Right to silence
  • Article 51 of the Constitution guarantees the freedom from self-incrimination.
  • Article 47 of the CCP - the accused has the right to give evidence, not an obligation that means he may deny giving it.
  • Article 173 of the CCP - if the accused refuses to give evidence, the investigator should note it.
Right to counsel
  • Article 48 of the Constitution - everyone is guaranteed the right to qualified legal assistance. If the defendant cannot provide a lawyer for himself, he/she may ask the state for legal assistance and it is free. Any person detained, taken into custody, accused of committing a crime have the right to receive assistance of a lawyer (counsel for the defense) from the moment of detention, confinement in custody or being charged.

See the right to silence.

Chapter 40 of the CCP contains a special order of judicial proceeding when the accused agrees with the charge brought against him and asks for passing a sentence without conducting the judicial proceedings. There must be consent of the public or of the private prosecutor and of the victim as well.

Search and seizure
  • Article 182 of the CCP: making a search is allowed if there is a sufficient data to believe that the person may keep in the place the instruments of crime, objects, documents and valuables. The search is to be performed on the basis of an investigator's resolution. The search in the living quarters is to be effected on the basis of a judicial order.
  • Article 183 of the CCP: the seizure is allowed if it is known exactly where certain objects and documents are and who is keeping them. The seizure is to be performed on the basis of an investigator's resolution. The seizure of the accounts and other bank documents is to be effected on the basis of the judicial order. Before the start of the seizure, the investigator suggests the subject to the seizure to be given out voluntarily, and if not, he makes the seizure under coercion.

The police protect everyone's right to liberty and security. Before the court's decision the person may not be detained for more than 48 hours.

  • Article 14 of the law “On the police” provides the police’s right to arrest persons under the specific circumstances. In each case the officer must explain the person detained his right to counsel, right to an interpreter, the right to inform relatives or close persons of the fact of his detention, the right to refuse to give an explanation.

During detention

Freedom from prolonged pre-trial detention

Article 94 of the CCP - after an expiry of 48 hours from the moment of detention, the suspect is to be released. There are two exceptions: if the court issues an order for taking into custody or the court extends the term of detention.

See more in pre-trial detention (police procedure).

Freedom from punishment

Article 49 of the Constitution guarantees the presumption of innocence. A defendant facing criminal prosecution is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Right to counsel

Article 48 of the Constitution - any person detained, taken into custody, accused of committing a crime shall have the right to receive assistance of a lawyer (counsel for the defense) from the moment of detention, confinement in custody or facing charges accordingly.

Article 49 of CCP - the counsel for the defense takes part in the criminal case as from the moment of the actual detention of the person suspected of committing a crime.

Right to habeas corpus

There is no right to habeas corpus.

Right to medical care

Article 17 of the federal law “On the detention of persons suspected or accused of committing crimes” - suspects and accused have the right to receive free health-care provision.

Rights at trial

Double jeopardy

Article 50 of the Constitution guarantees that no one may be convicted twice for one and the same crime.

Article 6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that no one may bear double criminal jeopardize for one and the same crime.

Legality principle

Article 7 of the CCP – The court and officials cannot apply laws contradicting to the CCP. The rulings of the court, the resolutions of the judge, of the prosecutor, the investigator and the inquirer must be lawful, substantiated and motivated.

Article 15 of the Constitution - If there are contradictions between CCP and universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of Russian Federation, the latter are applied.

Presumption of innocence

Article 49 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the presumption of innocent. Everyone accused of committing a crime is considered innocent until his guilt is proved according to the rules fixed by the federal law and confirmed by the sentence of a court which has come into legal force. Furthermore, the accused is not obliged to prove his innocence and irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person are interpreted in favor of the accused.

Article 14 of CCP adds that “the burden of proving the charge and of refuting the arguments cited in defense of the suspect or of the accused, is on the prosecution”.

Standards of proof and standards for conviction

Article 75 of the CCP - the proof, obtained with a violation of the demands of the CCP, is qualified as inadmissible. Inadmissible proof are deprived of legal force and cannot serve as a basis for the accusation or be used for proving any one of the circumstances subject to proving.

Article 14 of the CCP - the verdict of guilty cannot be based on suppositions.

Article 5 of the Criminal Code (CC) contains the principle of guilt - a person is to be brought to criminal responsibility only when his guilt has been established. According to article 24 of the CC, there are two forms of guilt – intent and negligence. An act committed negligently is recognized as a crime only in cases where this is specially provided for by the relevant article of the special part of the code.

Article 25 of the CC - clear intent: the person realized the social danger of his actions (inaction), foresaw the possibility or the inevitability of the consequences, and willed such consequences to ensue. Indirect intent: the person realized the social danger of his actions (inaction), foresaw the possibility of consequences, did not wish, but consciously allowed these consequences.

Article 26 of the CC – thoughtlessness: the person foresaw the possibility of the consequences of his actions (inaction), but expected without valid reasons that these consequences would be prevented. Carelessness: the person did not foresee the possibility of the consequences of his actions (inaction), although he could and should have foreseen these consequences.

Right to compulsory process

Articles 47, 53 of CCP - accused and his defense council have the right to present evidences and make a motions, including the calling a witness to the court.

Article 231 of CCP – in preparation for the trial the judge decide a question of calling people on the list submitted by the parties.

Article 271 of CCP - the court may not dismiss the motion to interrogate as a witness the person came to the court on the initiative of the parties.

Article 56 of CCP – a witness may not default when summoned by investigator, prosecutor or the court.

Article 253 of CCP – measures for subpoena and bringing those who failed to appear in the court.

Right to confront witnesses

Article 278 of CCP – the party, at whose request a witness had summoned to trial, ask question the first. The judge asks questions after his interrogation by the parties.

Right to counsel
  • Article 248 of CCP - the defendant's defense counsel takes part in the study of the proof and file petitions and express his opinion to the court on the merit of the accusation and on its proving, on the circumstances mitigating the defendant's punishment or acquitting him, on the measure of the punishment and also on the other questions, arising in the course of the judicial proceedings.

If the counsel for the defense fails to come and it is impossible to replace him, the judicial proceedings is postponed. If the counsel for the defense is replaced, the court gives time for the counsel for the defense who has joined the criminal case proceedings anew, to get acquainted with the criminal case materials and to prepare for the participation in the judicial proceedings. At the request of the counsel for the defense, the court may repeat the interrogations of the witnesses, of the victims and of the experts, or the other judicial actions.

Right to a fair trial

Neither Constitution nor Code of Criminal Procedure states this right, however, there are some provisions that ensure the right.

  • Article 19 of the Constitution - all people shall be equal before the law and court.
  • Article 46 of the Constitution – guarantee judicial protection of freedoms and rights, the right to appeal to international bodies.
  • Article 47 of the Constitution - the right for the competent court and judge.
  • Article 49 of the Constitution - the presumption of innocence, alongside with irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person shall be interpreted in favor of the accused.
  • Article 241 of the CCP - the judicial proceedings on criminal cases in all the courts are open, with the exception of the cases pointed out in the code.
Right to notice of charges
Right to non self-incrimination
Right to a speedy trial
Right to trial by jury
Right to impartial judge


Capital punishment
Ex-post facto punishment
Freedom from cruel or unusual punishment
Freedom from torture
Right to appeal
Right not to be fined excessively

Rights in prison

Conditions of confinement
Immigrant detention
Right to medical care in prison
Mental health care
Restriction of rights
Women's rights in prison

Ways to protects rights


Exclusionary Rule or Nullity of Procedure

Civil Action

Police Procedures


Arrest, search and seizure laws

Stops and Frisks
Pre-trial detention

Lineups and other identification procedures


Beofre formal charge in court
After defendant is formally charged
Enforcing the rules (procedures to protect against illegal interrogation)

Right to counsel

Court Procedures


Initial Court-Appearance
Charging instrument
Preliminary hearing
Pre-trial motions


Nature of the trial
Expert witnesses



Right to counsel
Ineffective assistance of counsel
Other grounds for appeals
Collateral remedies (habeas, etc)