Chinese-English Legal Lexicon

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The following lexicon includes English legal terms and their Chinese translations in alphabetical order.

Abduct and traffic (women / children) ????????? guai3mai4 (fu4nv3 / er2tong2)
Accomplice ?? cong2fan4
Acting in concert ?? he2zuo4
Adjudication ?? shen3pan4
Appeal ?? shang4su4
Appear in court ?? chu1ting2
Apply, application ?? shen1qing3
Approve (an arrest) ?????? pi1zhun3 (dai4bu3)
Appoint (an attorney) ?????? zhi3ding4 (lv4shi1)
Arrest (v.) ??, ?? dai4bu3, ju1bu3
Arson ?? fang4huo3
Attempted (crime) ????? wei4sui4 (zui4)
battery, to beat up ?? ou1da3
blood ?? xue4ye4
burden ?? zhong4dan4
bribery ?? hui4lu4
case ?? an4jian4
charge, accuse ?? kong4gao4
check (the accuracy of sthg.) ?? he2dui4
circumstances (of a case) ?? qing2jie2
circumstantial evidence ?? pang2zheng4
civil (adj.) ?? min2shi4
coerce ?? xie2po4