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! style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfa-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">HISTOIRE</h2>
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|<h2  id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966;    font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1;    text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em  0.4em;">BURUNDI  CRIMINAL DEFENSE MANUAL</h2>
# [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale du Burundi - Principes Fondamentaux|Fundamental Principles]]
# [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale du Burundi - Entretiens avec le client (Mauvais traitements)|Interviews with Clients]]
# [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale du Burundi - Stratégies d'audience |Hearing Strategies]]
# [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale du Burundi - Stratégies de Défense |Defense Strategies]]
# [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale du Burundi - Les Nullités de Procédure|The Nullity Procedure]]
# [[Media:Sample Motion for Nullity of Procedure.pdf | Nullification Proceedings Request (PDF)]]
#[[Manuel sur les procédures d’arrestation et de détention instituées par le Code de Procédure Pénale du Burundi|Manual on Arrest and Detention Procedures Established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of Burundi]]
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<h2  id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966;  font-size:120%;  font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1;  text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">CODES</h2>
Le Burundi est un petit pays enclavé de la région des grands lacs d'Afrique qui lutte pour surmonter les conséquences d'une guerre civile qui aura durée plus de dix ans. Le nouveau gouvernement d'unité nationale dirigé par le Président Pierre Nkurunziza entreprend depuis 2005 la reconstruction de quasiment toutes les institutions du pays ainsi que le renforcement de l'état de droit et l'amélioration de la qualité de vie de ses citoyens. En Avril 2009, le dernier groupe de rebelles du Burundi, les FNL (Forces de Libération Nationales) a renoncé à l'usage de la force et a été désarmé, créant ainsi une paix relativement stable dans le pays. Avec la large implication dans le gouvernement d'unité nationale des anciens groupes rebelles, la situation paraît encourageante.
*[https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Burundi_2005.pdf Constitution of Burundi - English (PDF)]
*[http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/fr/bi/bi018fr.pdf Code of Criminal Procedure of Burundi - French (PDF)]
*[https://www.icrc.org/ihl-nat.nsf/0/cb9d300d8db9fc37c125707300338af2/$FILE/Code%20P%C3%A9nal%20du%20Burundi%20.pdf Penal Code of Burundi -French (PDF)]
Depuis la fin de la guerre civile de 12 ans, le Burundi a fait des progrès considérables en termes de normalisation sociale et d'ouverture de l'espace politique. Si le système judiciaire fait face à de nombreux dysfonctionnements, les représentants des forces de maintien de l'ordre, au même titre que ceux judicaires reconnaissent ouvertement les problèmes, et font preuve d'une volonté de les résoudre. De grands pas en avant ont été faits avec l'adoption en Avril 2009 d'une loi portant réforme du Code Pénal qui criminalise explicitement l'utilisation de la torture.  
<h2  id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966;  font-size:120%;  font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1;  text-align:left;  color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">LEGAL RESOURCES</h2>
*[[Lexique Des Termes Juridiques (Anglais-Français)|Glossary of Legal Terms (English to French)]]
*[[Lexique Des Termes Juridiques (Français-Anglais)|Glossary of Legal Terms (French to English)]]
*[[Media:Burundi Country Summary Card.pdf |Summary of Key Articles Related to Rights of Defendants ]]
*[http://caselaw.ihrda.org African Human Rights Case Law Analyser]
*[[Media:ACHPR_PrinciplesandGuidelines_FairTrial.pdf | Principles and  Guidelines on the Right to a Fair Trial and Legal Assistance in Africa]]
<h2  id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966;    font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1;    text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em  0.4em;">LEGAL TRAINING  RESOURCE CENTER</h2>
* [http://elearning.ibj.org eLearning Courses for Burundian lawyers]
Plus de la moitié de la population burundaise vit sous le seuil de pauvreté et la fin de la guerre civile a laissé derrière elle un sillon de jeunes hommes peu éduqués et formés au seul combat militaire. Ceci signifie que la véritable réconciliation sociale reste un objectif lointain, quoiqu'atteignable. De profondes faiblesses institutionnelles, du personnel peu formé et un manque de ressources minent la mise en œuvre effective des nouvelles lois et l'accès à la justice de millions de gens.
== Background of Burundi ==
Burundi is an African country located in the Great Lakes region and is one of the five members of the East African Community (EAC).  With a total area of 27,834 km, Burundi is one of the smallest countries in Africa.  Landlocked, Burundi shares borders with Tanzania to the East, the DRC to the West, and Rwanda to the North.  Burundi contains Lake Tanganyika and other smaller lakes that dot the country.  The overall population density compared to the area of land (not lakes) is 310 inhabitants per km2, which is concentrated mainly in the provinces of Gitega, Kayanza, Ngozi, Kirundo, and Muyinga, making Burundi one of the most populous African countries. Burundi officially recognizes three ethnic groups: the Hutu (85% of the population), the Tutsi (14% of the population), and the Twa (1% of the population). The cohabitation of these three ethnic groups caused tensions to rise in the past but after the Arusha Accords were signed in 2000, a much more peaceful atmosphere has existed until the recent political crisis (see below).
Selon l'Ordre des Avocats du Burundi, le pays ne compte que 106 avocats pour 8,1 million d'habitants, ce qui signifie qu'il n'y a qu'un avocat pour 76,000 personnes. La population carcérale a atteint le pic de 11,000 prisonniers, alarmant les autorités nationales et les poussant à prendre des mesures urgentes. Sur le nombre total de prisonniers, plus de 64.5% sont en attente de jugement. La plupart des prévenus ne sont pas en mesure de se payer les services d'un avocat. Il n'existe pas de système d'aide juridictionnelle financé par l'Etat. En raison de l'absence de système pénal pour mineur, plus de 420 enfants sont détenus dans des cellules de prison avec des adultes ce qui les rend vulnérables à de nombreux abus. Renforcer l'état de droit au Burundi est une urgence absolue.
Historically, Burundi has experienced political crises and repeated civil wars between 1962 and 2008 that caused the deaths of more than 600,000 people.  During the years of civil war following Burundi’s independence in 1962, Burundi struggled to grow economically, finally experiencing positive growth in 2005 at a rate of three to five percent. As emphasized by the World Bank, however, Burundi is still suffering the reverberations from previous wars, seeking to bandage wounds that have still not fully healed. Economic progress in Burundi is slowed by the high prices for food and oil, an energy deficit, inflation, excessive population growth, and a strong dependence on international financial aid. According to a recent IMF report, today, Burundi is the fifth poorest country in the world.  
==National Sources of Law==
Burundian law is dense in legal texts which can be applied to accused, indicted, condemned and detained individuals. The main texts applicable in criminal matters are:
! style="padding:2px" | <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">FAITS EN BREF</h2>
- '''Criminal code''', revisited, 2009;
| style="color:#000;padding:2px 5px 5px" | <div id="mp-dyk">
- '''Code of Criminal Procedure''', revisited, 2013;
- '''Constitution of Burundi''', Law N°1/ 010 of the 18 March 2005 promulgating the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi
- '''Act No. 1/014''' of the 29 November 2002 reforming the status of the profession of a lawyer<ref> http://www.burundilegis.com/bl-entrepreneur/avocat-statut.html</ref>
==International sources of Law==
Burundi's '''constitution''' recalls it's commitment and respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the 10 December 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the 16 December 1966, the Africain charter on Human and Peoples' Rights of the 18 June 1981, and the National Unity charter. Additionally, considering that relations between people characterised by peace, friendship and collaboration in accordance to the Charter of the United Nations of 26 June 1945; Burundi's commitment to the Africain Unity in accordance with the Charter of the organization of Africain Unity of 25 May 1963 is reaffirmed. Furthermore, Burundi has ratified a multitude of treaties related to human rights which are the following: <ref> http://www.arib.info/A_HRC_33_37_Unofficial%20translation_.pdf</ref> <ref>http://lib.ohchr.org/HRBodies/UPR/Documents/Session3/BI/A_HRC_WG6_3_BDI_1_Burundi_F.pdf</ref>
'''- UDHR''' - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948 was when Burundi joined the UDHR)
'''- ICCPR''' - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1990)
'''- ICESCR''' - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1990)
'''- African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights''' (1989)
'''- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide''' (1996)
'''- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment''' (1992)
'''- Convention on the Rights of the Child''' (1997)
'''- AU Convention Governing Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa''' (1975)
'''- Convention on the Political Rights of Women''' (1992)
'''- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination''' (1977)
'''- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women''' (1991)
==The Rights of the Accused and Detained==
A certain number of fundamental rights and principles prevail all the steps of the procedure from the arrest to the final hearing. They are:
'''The right to be informed of your rights and motives for the arrest'''
The right of any person arrested to be informed of the reasons for their arrest is a procedural safeguard which can not be restricted, at any time or under any circumstances.
'''Presumption of innocence'''
The right of accused and detained persons to be presumed innocent is clearly affirmed in '''article 40''' of the '''Constitution''', which states that ''"all persons accused of a derelict act is presumed innocent until his or her guilt is legally established by a public process during which all the necessary guarantees for his or her free defense has been assured."''
'''The right to be assisted by a lawyer'''
The right to be assisted by a lawyer is recognised by the '''Code of Criminal Procedure'''. Under '''Article 95''' of the Convention, it is stated that the alleged offender is entitled to all necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right to defense.
'''The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment'''
The '''Constitution''' recognizes in '''Article 25''' that no one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Therefore, the '''Constitution''' of Burundi prohibits any use of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Torture is also defined in '''Article 204''' of the '''Penal Code''' as any act by which acute physical pain, mental pain or suffering is intentionally inflicted on a person for the purpose of obtaining information or a confession; punishing an individual for an act they have or are suspected of having committed; intimidating and putting pressure on an individual; or any other reason based on discrimination inflicted by a public official is a punishable violation. This in backed up by '''Article 205''' of the '''Penal Code''' which states that anyone who subjects a person to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment shall punished with penal servitude of ten to fifteen years and with a fine of one hundred thousand to one million"
'''The right to be judged within a reasonable time'''
The '''Article 40''' of the '''Constitution of Burundi''' guarantees that everyone will be judged within a reasonable time.
'''The right to a public trial'''
Publicizing debates promotes fairness. Free defence imposes a duty not to prosecute lawyers for what they may say in their pleadings (see '''Article 35''' of the '''Lawyers' Profession Act''') The debate must remain free of censorship. This principle applies to a double reservation: on one hand, contempt and insult remain criminal and deontological, on the other hand, the freedom of speech of the lawyer is no longer the same when leaving the courtroom and the press. The publicity of the debates is a universal way of taking the audience or the audience witnessed the exchanges of arguments and remarks between the headquarters of the judges, the public prosecutor's office and the defense.
==Police Procedures==
'''Status and police functions'''
According to '''Article 3''' of the '''Code of Criminal Procedure''', judicial police officers are responsible for investigating the perpetrators of criminal offenses, gathering the indices at their charge and making them available to the public prosecutor and will receive from the Public Prosecutor's Office the task of carrying out any inquiry or supplementary investigation which is deemed necessary. Also, in '''Article 8''' of the '''Code of Criminal Procedure''' and the '''Article 6''' state that they are obliged to inform the Public Prosecutor without delay of the crimes, offences is under penalty of professional sanctions.
'''The rights of the accused and the civil party during the pre-jurisdictional phase.'''
'''Article 95 CCP'''. The alleged offender is entitled to all the necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right to defense. To that end, it shall be guaranteed the following rights:
(1) to choose a council; (2) communicate freely with him and in confidence; (3) to be assisted in the drafting of corrections and in the production of exculpatory evidence; (4) to be assisted by his or her counsel during investigative proceedings; (5) the right to remain silent in the absence of his Council. The accused and his counsel shall have the right to take cognizance if the record of the proceedings.
'''Article 96''' The civil party may be assisted by a counsel of his choice during the investigative proceedings. She is also entitled to access to the file of proceedings.
'''Article 100''' Any person who is legally required by a Public Prosecutor or by a judge is obliged to lend his ministry as an interpreter, translator or expert. The latter are bound by the duty of confidentiality.  
'''Article 97''' The investigating magistrate shall in no case forward the file to the Council. He may nevertheless appreciate the opportunity either to let him consult the whole file on the spot; or to issue copies of certain documents of the proceedings to the Council.
'''The guard saw'''
Police custody is defined in '''Article 32''' of the '''Code of Criminal Procedure''' as the detention of a person for a reason and for a short period determined by law on the very place of his arrest, police or security offices, for the purposes of a judicial police or judicial mission. In addition, police custody can only be carried out by Judicial Police Officer who is clearly identified in the verbal process and who ensures the control and assumes responsibility for it. Men and women must be separated in police custody. In addition, they must be monitored by police officers of the same sex. ('''Article 32 CCP''')
It is important for a lawyer to verify that every police custody is accompanied by a police custody record drawn up by a judicial police officer. The latter must contain all of the following information: his name, surname, position, quality, the identity of the person in custody, the day, the time and place of arrest, the reasons for the custody, the conditions under which the detained person was presented, that the detainee was aware of their rights and placed in a position to exercise them, the day and hour of the custody and the duration of the custody. The report must also indicate the place or places where the police custody took place. ('''Article 35 CCP'''). The latter must be transmitted in original to the Public Prosecutor and a copy must be given to the person in custody, and a duplicate shall be kept on the spot. A record must be entered in a register containing all cases of Police custody. ('''Article 35 CCP''')
*2009 Prison Population: 9,114, 104 people per 100,000
Individuals in custody have rights as stated in '''Article 36''': Every Judicial Police Officer is obliged to inform the family of the person in custody or any other interested person. Moreover, the Public Prosecutor may order the end of a custody that he deems no longer justifiable. ('''Article 34 of the CPP''')
There are different types of police custody: Police custody is refereed to as the Criminal Investigation Department for the purposes of a preliminary investigation or the execution of a rogatory letter. Police custody is judicial when the arrested individual is addressed for the execution of a justice mandate, deprivation of liberty or imprisonment is immediately placed in custody. ('''Article 33 CPP''')
Custody is limited. According to '''Article 34''' of the '''Code of Criminal Procedure''' it cannot exceed seven days, unless the prorogation is decided by the Public Prosecutor with a maximum limit of twice that period.
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! style="padding:2px" | <h2 id="mp-itn-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">PETIT MANUEL DE DEFENSE PENALE</h2>
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'''Table des matiéres'''
* [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale - Principes Fondamentaux|Principes Fondamentaux]]
* [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale - Entretiens avec le client (Mauvais traitements)|Entretiens avec le Client]]
* [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale - Stratégies d'audience |Stratégies d'audience]]
* [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale - Stratégies de Défense |Stratégies de Défense]]
* [[Petit Manuel de Défense Pénale - Les Nullités de Procédure|Les Nullités de Procédure]]
* [[Media:Sample Motion for Nullity of Procedure.pdf | Requéte de nullité de procédure (PDF)]]
==More Information==
! style="padding:2px" | <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">AUTRES</h2>
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*[[Lexique Des Termes Juridiques (Anglais-Français)]]
*[[Lexique Des Termes Juridiques (Français-Anglais)]]
*[[Media:Burundi Country Summary Card.pdf | Résumé Des Articles Clefs Relatifs Aux Droits Des Prévenus]]
== Codes ==
*[[Constitution du Burundi]]
*[[Code de Procédure Pénale du Burundi (Burundi Criminal Procedure Code)]]
*[[Code Pénal du Burundi (Burundi Penal Code)]]
== Legal Training Resource Center ==
* [http://elearning.ibj.org eLearning Courses for Burundian lawyers]
See [[Criminal Justice Systems Around the World]]
<h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#143966;      font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1;      text-align:left; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em  0.4em;">QUICK FACTS</h2>
*  '''Prison Statistics (August 10, 2015)'''
| style="border:1px solid transparent;" |
::Prison Population = 8,689
::Prison Population Rate (Per 100,000 people) = 77
::Pre-Trial Detainees / Remand Prisoners (Percentage of Prison Population) = 56.7%
::Female Prisoners (Percentage of Population) = 4.0%
::Juveniles / Minors (Percentage of Population) = 3.4%
::Foreign Prisoners (Percentage of Population) = 1.2%
::Number of Prisons = 11:#Official Capacity of Prison System = 4050
::Occupancy Level (Based on Official Capacity) = 214.5%
*'''Prison Population Trend (Year / Prison Population / Prison Population Rate)'''
::2001 / 9,013 / 130
::2002 / 8,647 / 121
::2004 / 7,526 / 98
::2006 / 7,332 / 89
::2008 / 9,114 / 104
::2010 / 9,481 / 100
::2012 / 10,422 / 103
::2014 / 8,646 / 79
::2015 / 8,689 / 77
*'''General Information'''
::Capital = Bujumbura
::Ethnic Groups = 85% Hutu / 14% Tutsi / 1% Twa
::President = Pierre Nkurunziza
::Area = 27,834 km2
::Population = 11,178,921
::GDP = $3.247 billion

Revision as of 17:03, 28 June 2019

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  1. Fundamental Principles
  2. Interviews with Clients
  3. Hearing Strategies
  4. Defense Strategies
  5. The Nullity Procedure
  6. Nullification Proceedings Request (PDF)
  7. Manual on Arrest and Detention Procedures Established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of Burundi




Background of Burundi

Burundi is an African country located in the Great Lakes region and is one of the five members of the East African Community (EAC). With a total area of 27,834 km, Burundi is one of the smallest countries in Africa. Landlocked, Burundi shares borders with Tanzania to the East, the DRC to the West, and Rwanda to the North. Burundi contains Lake Tanganyika and other smaller lakes that dot the country. The overall population density compared to the area of land (not lakes) is 310 inhabitants per km2, which is concentrated mainly in the provinces of Gitega, Kayanza, Ngozi, Kirundo, and Muyinga, making Burundi one of the most populous African countries. Burundi officially recognizes three ethnic groups: the Hutu (85% of the population), the Tutsi (14% of the population), and the Twa (1% of the population). The cohabitation of these three ethnic groups caused tensions to rise in the past but after the Arusha Accords were signed in 2000, a much more peaceful atmosphere has existed until the recent political crisis (see below).

Historically, Burundi has experienced political crises and repeated civil wars between 1962 and 2008 that caused the deaths of more than 600,000 people. During the years of civil war following Burundi’s independence in 1962, Burundi struggled to grow economically, finally experiencing positive growth in 2005 at a rate of three to five percent. As emphasized by the World Bank, however, Burundi is still suffering the reverberations from previous wars, seeking to bandage wounds that have still not fully healed. Economic progress in Burundi is slowed by the high prices for food and oil, an energy deficit, inflation, excessive population growth, and a strong dependence on international financial aid. According to a recent IMF report, today, Burundi is the fifth poorest country in the world.

National Sources of Law

Burundian law is dense in legal texts which can be applied to accused, indicted, condemned and detained individuals. The main texts applicable in criminal matters are:

- Criminal code, revisited, 2009;

- Code of Criminal Procedure, revisited, 2013;

- Constitution of Burundi, Law N°1/ 010 of the 18 March 2005 promulgating the Constitution of the Republic of Burundi

- Act No. 1/014 of the 29 November 2002 reforming the status of the profession of a lawyer[1]

International sources of Law

Burundi's constitution recalls it's commitment and respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the 10 December 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the 16 December 1966, the Africain charter on Human and Peoples' Rights of the 18 June 1981, and the National Unity charter. Additionally, considering that relations between people characterised by peace, friendship and collaboration in accordance to the Charter of the United Nations of 26 June 1945; Burundi's commitment to the Africain Unity in accordance with the Charter of the organization of Africain Unity of 25 May 1963 is reaffirmed. Furthermore, Burundi has ratified a multitude of treaties related to human rights which are the following: [2] [3]

- UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948 was when Burundi joined the UDHR)

- ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1990)

- ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1990)

- African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1989)

- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1996)

- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1992)

- Convention on the Rights of the Child (1997)

- AU Convention Governing Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa (1975)

- Convention on the Political Rights of Women (1992)

- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1977)

- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1991)

The Rights of the Accused and Detained

A certain number of fundamental rights and principles prevail all the steps of the procedure from the arrest to the final hearing. They are:

The right to be informed of your rights and motives for the arrest

The right of any person arrested to be informed of the reasons for their arrest is a procedural safeguard which can not be restricted, at any time or under any circumstances.

Presumption of innocence

The right of accused and detained persons to be presumed innocent is clearly affirmed in article 40 of the Constitution, which states that "all persons accused of a derelict act is presumed innocent until his or her guilt is legally established by a public process during which all the necessary guarantees for his or her free defense has been assured."

The right to be assisted by a lawyer

The right to be assisted by a lawyer is recognised by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Under Article 95 of the Convention, it is stated that the alleged offender is entitled to all necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right to defense.

The right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

The Constitution recognizes in Article 25 that no one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Therefore, the Constitution of Burundi prohibits any use of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Torture is also defined in Article 204 of the Penal Code as any act by which acute physical pain, mental pain or suffering is intentionally inflicted on a person for the purpose of obtaining information or a confession; punishing an individual for an act they have or are suspected of having committed; intimidating and putting pressure on an individual; or any other reason based on discrimination inflicted by a public official is a punishable violation. This in backed up by Article 205 of the Penal Code which states that anyone who subjects a person to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment shall punished with penal servitude of ten to fifteen years and with a fine of one hundred thousand to one million"

The right to be judged within a reasonable time

The Article 40 of the Constitution of Burundi guarantees that everyone will be judged within a reasonable time.

The right to a public trial

Publicizing debates promotes fairness. Free defence imposes a duty not to prosecute lawyers for what they may say in their pleadings (see Article 35 of the Lawyers' Profession Act) The debate must remain free of censorship. This principle applies to a double reservation: on one hand, contempt and insult remain criminal and deontological, on the other hand, the freedom of speech of the lawyer is no longer the same when leaving the courtroom and the press. The publicity of the debates is a universal way of taking the audience or the audience witnessed the exchanges of arguments and remarks between the headquarters of the judges, the public prosecutor's office and the defense.

Police Procedures

Status and police functions

According to Article 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, judicial police officers are responsible for investigating the perpetrators of criminal offenses, gathering the indices at their charge and making them available to the public prosecutor and will receive from the Public Prosecutor's Office the task of carrying out any inquiry or supplementary investigation which is deemed necessary. Also, in Article 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Article 6 state that they are obliged to inform the Public Prosecutor without delay of the crimes, offences is under penalty of professional sanctions.

The rights of the accused and the civil party during the pre-jurisdictional phase.

Article 95 CCP. The alleged offender is entitled to all the necessary guarantees for the exercise of the right to defense. To that end, it shall be guaranteed the following rights:

(1) to choose a council; (2) communicate freely with him and in confidence; (3) to be assisted in the drafting of corrections and in the production of exculpatory evidence; (4) to be assisted by his or her counsel during investigative proceedings; (5) the right to remain silent in the absence of his Council. The accused and his counsel shall have the right to take cognizance if the record of the proceedings.

Article 96 The civil party may be assisted by a counsel of his choice during the investigative proceedings. She is also entitled to access to the file of proceedings.

Article 100 Any person who is legally required by a Public Prosecutor or by a judge is obliged to lend his ministry as an interpreter, translator or expert. The latter are bound by the duty of confidentiality.

Article 97 The investigating magistrate shall in no case forward the file to the Council. He may nevertheless appreciate the opportunity either to let him consult the whole file on the spot; or to issue copies of certain documents of the proceedings to the Council.

The guard saw Police custody is defined in Article 32 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as the detention of a person for a reason and for a short period determined by law on the very place of his arrest, police or security offices, for the purposes of a judicial police or judicial mission. In addition, police custody can only be carried out by Judicial Police Officer who is clearly identified in the verbal process and who ensures the control and assumes responsibility for it. Men and women must be separated in police custody. In addition, they must be monitored by police officers of the same sex. (Article 32 CCP)

It is important for a lawyer to verify that every police custody is accompanied by a police custody record drawn up by a judicial police officer. The latter must contain all of the following information: his name, surname, position, quality, the identity of the person in custody, the day, the time and place of arrest, the reasons for the custody, the conditions under which the detained person was presented, that the detainee was aware of their rights and placed in a position to exercise them, the day and hour of the custody and the duration of the custody. The report must also indicate the place or places where the police custody took place. (Article 35 CCP). The latter must be transmitted in original to the Public Prosecutor and a copy must be given to the person in custody, and a duplicate shall be kept on the spot. A record must be entered in a register containing all cases of Police custody. (Article 35 CCP)

Individuals in custody have rights as stated in Article 36: Every Judicial Police Officer is obliged to inform the family of the person in custody or any other interested person. Moreover, the Public Prosecutor may order the end of a custody that he deems no longer justifiable. (Article 34 of the CPP)

There are different types of police custody: Police custody is refereed to as the Criminal Investigation Department for the purposes of a preliminary investigation or the execution of a rogatory letter. Police custody is judicial when the arrested individual is addressed for the execution of a justice mandate, deprivation of liberty or imprisonment is immediately placed in custody. (Article 33 CPP)

Custody is limited. According to Article 34 of the Code of Criminal Procedure it cannot exceed seven days, unless the prorogation is decided by the Public Prosecutor with a maximum limit of twice that period.

More Information

See Criminal Justice Systems Around the World


  • Prison Statistics (August 10, 2015)
Prison Population = 8,689
Prison Population Rate (Per 100,000 people) = 77
Pre-Trial Detainees / Remand Prisoners (Percentage of Prison Population) = 56.7%
Female Prisoners (Percentage of Population) = 4.0%
Juveniles / Minors (Percentage of Population) = 3.4%
Foreign Prisoners (Percentage of Population) = 1.2%
Number of Prisons = 11:#Official Capacity of Prison System = 4050
Occupancy Level (Based on Official Capacity) = 214.5%
  • Prison Population Trend (Year / Prison Population / Prison Population Rate)
2001 / 9,013 / 130
2002 / 8,647 / 121
2004 / 7,526 / 98
2006 / 7,332 / 89
2008 / 9,114 / 104
2010 / 9,481 / 100
2012 / 10,422 / 103
2014 / 8,646 / 79
2015 / 8,689 / 77
  • General Information
Capital = Bujumbura
Ethnic Groups = 85% Hutu / 14% Tutsi / 1% Twa
President = Pierre Nkurunziza
Area = 27,834 km2
Population = 11,178,921
GDP = $3.247 billion
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